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Salman Rushdie: Losing an eye upsets me every day
2024-04-15 [bbci.co.uk]
The author, who was stabbed on stage in 2022, tells the BBC that he thought he was dying. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theKofideportationsChiefcovergeneralSaudiNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrizecanwasszerinteightwithdiplomatNATIONSorganizationUNITED

AP Top 25 Reality: Time for upsets has passed with little chaos and ranked teams with gaudy records
2023-11-27 [abcnews.com]
The time for upsets has come and gone with little chaos in college football and not much movement in the AP Top 25 for much of the season Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thewithandhasTimeforcomechaosKofiChiefcovergenerallittleNobellaudedsecretaryszerintPeacegetyearsupsetsPrizemuchcaneightdiplomat

World Cup 2022: Five trends from Qatar - upsets, injury time & penalties
2022-12-19 [bbci.co.uk]
Argentina defeat France on penalties to win the World Cup in a tournament that saw more goals and shocks, record numbers of teenagers - and veterans - making starts. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandRecordTimecaneightwithdiplomatNATIONSpenaltiesorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFirecomedeportationsUnder2001becominghasSaudi
