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Workload written by student made millions, ran on unsupported hardware, with zero maintenance
2023-10-13 [theregister.co.uk]
Nobody minded for 20 years or so, until another student took action On Call Many a Friday arrives with a feeling that the previous four days of toil occupied more than 96 hours, which is why The Register always marks the day with a new instalment of On Call, our reader-contributed tales of fun times delivering tech support. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thewithyearsKofiCallChiefcovergeneralNobellaudedszerintsecretaryPeacegetstudentPrizecaneightdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITED

British citizens fleeing from Sudan left unsupported in UK
2023-05-04 [news.yahoo.com]
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Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFireandcomedeportationsUnder2001becominghasSaudiComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecular
