0.70 Minden EGY helyen, hírek, linkár, cégkatalógus

SharePoint logs are easily circumvented and Microsoft is dragging its heels
2024-04-10 [theregister.co.uk]
Now is the perfect time to review those permissions SharePoint users should beware since audit logs on the platform have proved relatively simple to circumvent, meaning malicious actors could exfiltrate your data without tipping off your security team. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theandTimegetyearsPrizecanszerinteightwithdiplomatyourNATIONSorganizationSharePointsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFire2001comeUnderhas

Exploit for under-siege SharePoint vuln reportedly in hands of ransomware crew
2024-01-12 [theregister.co.uk]
It Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theUnderbecominghasComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofideportationsChiefcovergeneralSaudiNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrize
