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Rina Gonoi: Three Japanese ex-soldiers found guilty of sexual assault
2023-12-12 [bbci.co.uk]
The landmark verdict comes after a 24-year-old soldier went public with accusations against her ex-colleagues. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theComeswith2001andcomeUnderbecominghasdeportationssharingknownAnnanSaudiRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcovergeneralNobellaudedszerintget

Philippe is expected to become Category 1 hurricane this week; Rina has dissipated
2023-10-02 [news.yahoo.com]
 Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thehasszerintsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrizecaneightwithdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFire2001andcomeUnderbecoming

Rina Sawayama: Therapy made me realise I was groomed at 17
2023-09-28 [feeds.bbci.co.uk]
The pop star shares, for the first time, the traumatic story behind her second album. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theTimeNobellaudedszerintsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrizecaneightwithdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFire2001andcome

Leeds Festival: 10 things we learned from Soft Play to Rina Sawayama
2023-08-28 [feeds.bbci.co.uk]
Why Jedward were there, how Soft Play hooked up with Robbie, and what GCSE results one star revealed. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theandwithUNITEDleadscloseFire2001comeUnderbecominghasdeportationsComessharingknownAnnanPlaySaudiRecordTimesecularKofiSoftChiefget

Maia and Rina Dee: Father mourns at funeral of sisters killed in West Bank
2023-04-09 [bbci.co.uk]
Maia and Rina Dee, originally from the UK, were shot dead in a suspected Palestinian attack. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandszerintgeneralMaiaNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrizecaneightwithdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFire

Maia and Rina Dee: Funerals of sisters killed in occupied West Bank taking place
2023-04-09 [bbci.co.uk]
Maia and Rina Dee, who used to live in Britain, were shot on their way to a family holiday. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandFirecomedeportationsUnder2001becominghasSaudiComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcoverDeeszerintgeneralNobellauded

Maia and Rina Dee: Funerals of sisters killed in occupied West Bank to take place
2023-04-09 [bbci.co.uk]
Maia and Rina Dee, who used to live in Britain, were shot on their way to a family holiday. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandcomeUnderdeportations2001becominghasComesSaudisharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcovergeneralDeeszerintNobellaudedRina

Maia and Rina Dee named as British-Israeli sisters killed in West Bank shooting
2023-04-09 [bbci.co.uk]
Maia and Rina Dee, who lived in the settlement of Efrat, were shot dead in their car on Friday. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandleadscloseFirecomedeportationsUnder2001becominghasSaudiComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcoverszerintgeneralNobel

Maya and Rina Dee named as British-Israeli sisters killed in West Bank shooting
2023-04-08 [bbci.co.uk]
Maya and Rina Dee, who lived in the settlement of Efrat, were shot dead in their car on Friday. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandleadscloseFirecomedeportationsUnder2001becominghasSaudiComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcoverszerintgeneralDee

Brit Awards: Wet Leg, Rina Sawayama urge change over female nominees
2023-02-13 [feeds.bbci.co.uk]
Artists say conversations on female representation is important and action must take place. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: Theand2001becominghasSaudiComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcoverszerintgeneralNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrize
