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JetBrains is still mad at Rapid7 for the ransomware attacks on its customers
2024-03-12 [theregister.co.uk]
War of words wages on between vendors divided Last week, we wrote about how security outfit Rapid7 threw JetBrains, the company behind the popular CI/CD platform TeamCity, under the bus over allegations of silent patching. Now, JetBrains has gone on the offensive. Részletek >

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JetBrains urges swift patching of latest critical TeamCity flaw
2024-02-07 [theregister.co.uk]
Cloud version is safe, but no assurances offered about possible on-prem exploits JetBrains is encouraging all users of TeamCity (on-prem) to upgrade to the latest version following the disclosure of a critical vulnerability in the CI/CD tool. Részletek >

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